Prince Kitty Co serves as a non-capitalist avenue for embracing connection, collaboration, and support in our local communities; promoting and empowering the safety in experiencing genuine emotions that may be hard to feel; and working towards making mental and physical health services accessible to all. Our overarching mission is improving accessibility for everyone to have access to resources/basic needs/emotions and to feel safe doing so. At this time the focus surrounds accessibility to resources, community work, meow merch, and pay-what-you-can gender affirming trainings/workshops/consultations for your company or organization. Let’s all support each other.
Prince Kitty Co, LLC promotes exchange over money when possible to encourage more equitable access.
At Prince Kitty Co, LLC, we’re all about creating awesome partnerships between local businesses, services, and organizations to make mental health and individual therapy more accessible and inclusive. Feeling a little hesitant about starting therapy yourself? No worries, we’ve got loads of free resources with bite-sized mental health tips and guides—just ask away!
Prince Kitty Co, LLC offers community collaborations between local businesses, services, and organizations to promote access and inclusivity with mental health AND individual/group therapeutic services (clinical and consultation-based).
Connect, Collaborate, Share
Q-CECI (“Cue Sessy”)
The Queer Affirming Community Engagement and Collaboration Initiative (Q-CECI) is a collective located remotely within Richmond, VA focused on creating a vibrant and inclusive network of organizations and service providers focused on mental health support, queer-affirming/gender-affirming goods and services, and community resources. Our mission is to foster collaboration, amplify queer voices, and improve the quality of interconnectedness within the LGBTQIA+ community within Richmond, VA and all around Virginia. The vision is to unite organizations, bridge resource gaps, and promote inclusivity through community developed gatherings and training.
Angelica’s Self Care Space
Angelica’s Self Care Space is a virtual resource library including clickable/interactive activities and resources! The purpose is to provide access to helpful resources and therapeutic suggestions without having to be currently involved with mental health services/ having to pay for support already out there. The hope is to improve accessibility in a world that has been engulfed in capitalism and service/resource segregation based on levels of privilege.
This Virtual Self Care Space was created by Angelica Gehlich, LCSW. The images and books are not original content by Angelica Gehlich and have been found online so accessible to all.
Most of the images are clickable/interactive that will either pop up or open in a new window. You may need to download the Google Slides app in order to utilize the resources.

Professional Development
Provide ongoing opportunities for professional growth and in-service training tailored to LGBTQ+ community needs to ensure the inclusivity of the queer agenda can expand and integrate in as many organizations as possible..
Community Empowerment
Empower our clients, customers, and community by ensuring they have access to a wide range of queer-affirming resources and services without having to question their comfort prior to showing up. Don’t forget we’re empowering ourselves too!
Network Building and Inclusivity
Create a cohesive and diverse network of local LGBTQ+ organizations, affirming service providers, artisans, and queer-affirming businesses.
Visibility and Education
Raise awareness within the community about available resources and promote LGBTQ+ education and acceptance through events and gatherings.
Collaborative Initiatives
Foster exchange, collaboration, and information sharing among participating organizations to ensure inclusive, diverse, and multifaceted goods and services.

Organize a kick-off event to introduce Q-CECI (October 13th, in-person or virtual).
Invite LGBTQ+ organizations, service providers, businesses, and artisans.
Define the purpose, goals, and advantages of this collective.
Encourage attendees to share their unique services and experiences.
Develop a comprehensive database of LGBTQ+ organizations, businesses, creators and service providers.
Include contact details, areas of expertise, and preferred collaboration methods.
Regularly update and maintain the database to ensure accuracy.
Plan regular gatherings to promote interaction and collaboration among participants.
Rotate event locations among LGBTQ+-affirming organizations to showcase their specialties.
Collaborate with interested providers/organizations to host events, demonstrations, workshops, and training sessions.
Collect feedback and assess the effectiveness of these gatherings.
Identify shared needs and interests within the LGBTQ+ community and providers.
Offer specialized in-service training, workshops, and seminars addressing these needs.
Invite local experts from within the network to provide valuable insights and knowledge.
Prioritize an anti-capitalist sharing approach.
Explore grant opportunities, sponsorships, and partnerships to sustain the collective.
Develop a financial model, including donations or sponsor contributions, to cover operational costs.
Continuously adapt the collective based on feedback and evolving community needs.
Promote the collective through LGBTQ+ community outreach, social media, and local events.
Encourage community members to suggest topics for in-service training and events.
Empower the community at large to actively engage and invest in themselves by participating in collective gatherings and volunteer opportunities.
Establish a network of barter and exchange for goods and services between interested parties who would prefer to trade expertise, services, or unique goods instead of cash/credit. (All exchanges are decided between the parties doing the exchange as there is no determined rate of exchange. This means you get to value your own worth!)